
Product Image Item Name- Price
Leisure Time Alkalinity Increaser

Leisure Time Alkalinity Increaser

Alkalinity Increaser Critical to pH control, this granular formula...
$10.95... more info
Leisure Time Calcium Booster

Leisure Time Calcium Booster

Calcium Booster Raises water hardness level while preventing foaming...
$7.99... more info
Leisure Time Liquid Spa Down

Leisure Time Liquid Spa Down

Liquid Spa Down Lowers critical pH levels easily with no mixing or...
$14.99... more info
Leisure Time Liquid Spa Up

Leisure Time Liquid Spa Up

Liquid Spa Up Gently increases pH with "no mix" liquid....
$14.99... more info
Leisure Time pH Balance

Leisure Time pH Balance

pH Balance pH Balance is a unique pH balancer that maintains the ideal...
$18.99... more info
Leisure Time Spa Down

Leisure Time Spa Down

Spa Down Granular product adjusts water pH and alkalinity down....
$11.99... more info
Leisure Time Spa Up

Leisure Time Spa Up

Spa Up Granular product gently adjusts water pH and alkalinity upward....
$14.99... more info